Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meaning 2: Interactions between the three levels

The area of design I am interested is infographics, especially maps. I feel this image of a map of the US shows good examples of representational, abstract, and symbolic levels of visual design.

First is representational. This is obviously representational of a map/top view of the United States. The shape of the United States is very well known, and by the outline of the image, it is obvious that this is a representation of the US.

Next is abstract. Although it may not be the most abstract image, I still believe this image is somewhat abstract because of the different colors of the states, and some of the tinier images on the page, the somewhat "symbols", are kind of abstract with their shapes. Mostly these would be the ones that look like trees.

Last, this image has a lot of symbols on it. One very good example would be the symbol of a video camera located on the image in Southern California. This symbol would represent that this is where Hollywood is, and this is where many movies are made.

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