Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visual Techniques

1st Image: Manhattan Subway Map - Infographic

Visual Techniques: Balance, Contrast, Predictability, Consistency, Accuracy, Flatness, Sequentiality

2nd Image: Symbolic map of the US - Infographic

Visual Techniques: Flatness, Accuracy, Consistency, Activeness, Unity, Balance, Contrast, Sequentiality

After comparing these two info graphics, it was interesting to see how they use some of the same techniques, but also use some different ones. What also made it cool is that they are both maps, but used in very different ways and in opposite scales. They both show consistency, balance, contrast, accuracy, flatness, and sequentiality. These are all things maps should require, except for maybe flatness. Since both are getting across information about a specific place, it is important that they are both accurate. They also both show consistency, balance, and contrast, by their use of colors and placement of text and imagery. Unlike the 1st image, the 2nd image shows activeness with the waves draw into the water, as well as some of the animal symbols on the map.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Good use of Contrast:

This info graphic of cartoon characters shows very good use of contrast. The colors flow very well from one color to the next, as the different characters are placed around the color wheel. It also is a good use of contrast, because like all color wheels should be, each color is across from it's contrasting color.

Bad use of Contrast:

This info graphic is a good example for a bad use of contrast. It's obvious that there wasn't very much thought into which colors were being used for each item on the map. Also, everything is very scattered and just kind of all over the place.